Business Boost Short Course 2022

You’re a small to medium sized product based business, you’ve been operating for years, but you’re keen to review where you’re at and give your biz a little boost.

In this multi-part short course, we’ll introduce you to six key areas of your business that you can analyse for improvement. 

This short course will provide you with the knowledge you need to analyse 6 key areas of your business, as well as actions you can take today to boost profits tomorrow. 

Course Structure

Part 1: Product Pricing in their Market

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to product pricing, as the right price for a particular product or service depends on a variety of factors specific to your marketplace. There are, however, steps you can follow when setting prices for your products or services.

Part 2: Product Presentation 

Product presentation is a crucial part of the customer experience. It can make or break the relationship between a business and its customers. Product presentation can be done in a variety of ways, but there are some key principles that should always be followed. 

Part 3: Finding my customers

In order to create a successful business, it is important to identify and target your target market. This can be difficult, but there are many ways to identify and connect your customers. 

Part 4: Packaging

Packaging is an important aspect of product design. It can make or break a product, and it can influence consumers’ perceptions of the product. Consumers are increasingly demanding quality packaging that meets their needs and expectations, and good packaging can directly result in increased sales and overall satisfaction for customers.

Part 5: Logistics

If you’re a business physically moving products from point of creation to point of sale, than having a firm understanding of product logistics can directly increase your bottom line. Good product logistics can help a company reduce its costs, improve its customer service, and increase its bottom line.

Part 6: Boosting Online Presence

Online presence is an important part of any business. It can help you build a loyal customer base, attract new customers, and increase brand awareness. In addition, a strong online presence can lead to increased business profits. There are many ways to increase and improve your online presence, and we’ll be reviewing these options in this part of the course.

Each part in this short course contains one or more downloadable resources to help you take direct action. The resources include checklists, analysis tools, how to guides and more. 

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